Guía completa de tipos de hilos y cuerdas para macramé

Complete guide to types of threads and cords for macramé

guia cuerdas y hilos para macrame

What thread or cord to buy for making macramé?

One of the first questions that arises when you start with macramé is what cord or thread you should use. To answer it it is important to go back to the definition of macramé and it is this:

Macramé It is the technique of creating fabrics using decorative knots 

Therefore, any material you can use to make knots is suitable for making macramé. And what will vary, of course, is the appearance and final finish of the project, depending on the material you choose.

That said, there are 3 types of threads that are the most recommended and the ones that are most commonly used in macramé today, as they are designed for it. So today we are going to focus on looking at those 3 types: twisted rope, combed rope or warp, and braided rope.

And which one is the best? It depends on the project you are working on and your own preferences. Also, you don't have to limit yourself to just one type; you can combine different strings even in the same piece to achieve textures!

Below you will find a simple and clear summary of the threads used for macramé, their characteristics and main differences, apart from the appearance, of course, which you will be able to appreciate in the images. 

What cords or threads are used for macramé?

Twisted rope

The twisted cord is traditionally used in the macramé technique. It is produced by twisting three strands in a spiral.

  • It is a rope easy to work with, so it is recommended for beginners in macramé.
  • You can unravel the strands that make up the rope to get some wavy fringes, and comb them to soften the waves.
  • Due to its structure, it is a rope resistant and strong, so it is perfect for utilitarian projects (e.g. a chair).
  • It is not elastic, so it is advisable for those projects where it is important that the rope does not stretch if force is applied to it or must support a certain weight (e.g. a swing or a hammock).
  • It is the rope that weighs more than the 3 that we will see, so it is not the most suitable for projects where the weight of the final piece is important (e.g. a bag or a vest).
  • Due to its production process, it is the most expensive rope of the 3 that we will see today.
  • It is available in a wide variety of thicknesses and colors. You can buy it here.

comprar cuerda torcida macrame

Combed yarn or warp

The combed yarn, also called warp, is produced by twisting cotton threads into a single strand.

  • It is a thread very easy to fray and comb, due to its structure. So it is the ideal rope to achieve fluffy fringes, and make macramé feathers and leaves.
  • The fact that it frays easily complicates working with it, so it is not recommended for you to start in macramé.
  • It is a rope extra soft, recommended for pieces that will have contact with the skin, but on the other hand, it is not the most suitable for utilitarian projects (e.g. a chair) because its wear is greater than that of the other cords.
  • It is not elastic.
  • It is a rope very light, so it is recommended for projects where the weight of the final piece is important (e.g. a bag).
  • It is the thread cheaper, since its production process is the simplest of the 3.
  • Offers a wide range of colors and thicknesses. You can buy it here.

comprar hilo urdimbre macrame

Braided rope

The braided rope with a core, which means it has a core of cotton threads that maintains its shape.

  • It is the most rope easy to handle, so it is ideal for starting to do macramé.
  • Thanks to the core that maintains the shape of the string, a very well-defined knots, which is important in the learning process to understand each knot well.
  • It cannot be unraveled, so it is not suitable for making fringes or macramé leaves.
  • It is a little elastic, for this reason it is not recommended for projects where the rope must support a certain weight or where force will be applied to it, as it would end up stretching and deforming the piece.
  • It is a rope light, and it is recommended for projects where it is important for the final piece to weigh as little as possible (e.g. a bag or a vest).
  • It is a rope economic.
  • It can be found in many thicknesses and colors. You can buy it here.

comprar cuerda trenzada macrame

Where to buy cord or threads for macramé?

In my online store you can find all the cords used for macramé. They are available in many colors and thicknesses, so you are sure to find the cord you need for the project you have in mind!


Save this infographic to your Pinterest to consult it later! 

qué cuerda usar para macramé

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Hola, quiero hacer un bolso tejido con crochet, me podéis indicar qué tipo de cuerda sería el más idóneo, no quiero que sea muy grueso, al contrario y si es posible que esté en color negro. Gracias


Voy hacer un vestido q grosor necesito y que cantidad necesito

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Hola, quiero hacer una cortina para mi cocina q tipo de cuerda me recomendáis y cuánto necesito, 115x 200

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Hola me gustaría saber de cuerda trenzada,qué grosor quedaría mejor para una cortinapuerta d cristal,d 2mm o de tres mm,el dibujo es sencillo y solo va por la parte duperior

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Hola quiero empezar de cero con un llavero que tipo de hilo necesito y material para un adorno de pared gracias


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