Handmade Festival Barcelona 2021

Handmade Festival Barcelona 2021

Smiles and tears We return from the dead!!!!!!!! 💀

At last we can raise our heads and thank you for the loving reception we have had at the Handmade Festival in Barcelona. We did not expect such a barrage of people, really. On Friday at 10 a.m. the doors of the festival opened and at 11 a.m. we already had to make the distress call to ask for help because we were overwhelmed. We were stunned. We are overwhelmed by the emotion of so much love received and so many beautiful words that you have transmitted to us these days. You really can't imagine the illusion we feel. Being able to meet so many new people, putting faces to those who order online, being able to serve you in person!! And that you also see that behind Macranova there are real little people of flesh and bones And if that were not enough, 137 people have started in macramé in the workshops that we gave these 3 days, and the feeling when listening to you excited and happy to see things so beautiful that you have created with your hands is priceless.io.

It was our first time out in the offline world and we couldn't be more grateful. With all our heart we give you a MILLION THANKS.❤️

It has taken us a week to catch up, unpack the million boxes, put everything in order, replenish stock, and the fact is that we did not close the online store and continue to take out your orders as normal, despite the fact that the whole team was full at the fair . It has been a non-stop and we have slept an average of 3 hours a day, a few times I burst into tears due to stress and anxiety, but it has definitely been worth it.. 💪

Thank you🙏

At the end we leave you some photos of the space, so you can chafardeéis! :D

We serve you:
Katia (workshops), Marçal & Valentina (shop)

+ all this would not have been possible without the invaluable help of our brothers who carried boxes non-stop, and mother and father who ran a thousand errands to solve unforeseen and brown issues that arose❤️

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