Nuevo punto de venta: Mi Tienda de Arte

New point of sale:My Art Store

🥳 Today is a party because we have fulfilled a dream!! And it is that now you can find our macramé kits in my (from Katia, who writes) favorite online store - My Art Store. I'm sure you all know her. Comment if you are also a fan of Mi Tienda de Arte!! 👇👇👇

For me,My Art Store It has always been a magical place to spend hours and hours looking at beautiful things and planning DIY projects while filling the shopping cart. It's like a paradise for any DIY lover!🤤

It is also a great inspiration as a company. On their IG they have ainterview with the founders (mother & son) in which they explain how they started and how it evolved, I highly recommend you watch it, I found it very interesting and exciting.

And now seeing our kits there, on their virtual shelves is THE MOST. Thank you for trusting Macranova.. 🙏

👉 You can find the kits atour brand section within the website,using the search engine and putting Macranova or looking for the Macranova logo onn the Brands sections”. Right now it's also in the News section.”.

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